New York-based artist Theresa Dapra graduated from FIT with a degree in Accessories Design. Amidst launching her own line, she expanded her artisan dexterity by working closely with milliners, tailors and contemporary artists. She has done custom work for performers such as Lady Gaga and Cyndi Lauper, costume design for private clients, and has had products featured in select boutiques around the world. 

in 2017 she redirected her creative focus from making wearable pieces to creating large scale works of art. The result of this evolution was the substance of her premiere Art exhibit “Guardians of Apotheosis.”

She studied floral design in Paris and NYC in 2020-2021 and subsequently began her floral brand Cherri Cousteau. While pursuing florals, she also began dabbling in digital art which led to her involvement in multiple nft collectives.


Dapra is currently available for freelance and collaborations.